Nov 13 | 6-7 PM | College Essay Guy: You've Applied Early—Now What?: Learn how to know if your application is "doing its job."
Nov 20, Dec 4, Dec 18 | 4-5PM | Fidelity Scholarship Info Session: The Fidelity Scholars Program wants to help underrepresented students graduate debt-free. Scholars have to attend an in-state college or university and currently have a 2.5-3.5 GPA. Students, families, and educators are welcome to attend one of the webinars about the program. Register here for the zoom link.
Nov 23 | 10 AM-2:30 PM | Eastern New Mexico University Virtual Open House: Learn about admission and scholarships, meet with faculty, and gain an insider's perspective with a specialized campus tour by the President's Ambassadors.
The Elks Scholarship ranges from $1,000-$7,500 per year, and is awarded to 500 students nationwide. The application deadline is November 12.
UNM BA/MD has extended their deadline to 5PM Thursday, November 14.
The Jack Kent Cooke Foundation Scholarship is a last dollar scholarship that covers the remaining balance after institutional financial aid. Along with the scholarship, recipients receive personalized advising related to college selection, financial aid, the transition to college, and maximizing the student experience. The application deadline is November 14.
The Handler Scholarship at the University of Rochester has a November 30 nomination deadline. The scholarship is intended for highly academically qualified students with significant financial need who have overcome significant hardships during high school. The scholarship covers more than tuition, providing individualized mentoring and an extra $5,000 in funding to pursue academic or professional enrichment.
The Hagan Scholarship supports high-achieving, goal-driven students in their goal to graduate college debt-free. Hagan provides up to $15k per year, plus a $2k starter grant, and also gives students money to invest in the stock market. The application deadline is December 1.
December 1 is the priority scholarship deadline for most in-state and WUE schools.
The Coolidge Scholarship offers a full cost-of-attendance scholarship to any college in the country for exceptional students interested in public policy and with experience in leadership and service. Finalists attend an interview weekend in Vermont (fully covered for student and a parent). Please note this application is for current 11th grade students. The application deadline is December 11.
LANL Four-Year Undergraduate Scholarship is open to students who are residents of Los Alamos, Mora, Rio Arriba, San Miguel, Sandoval, Santa Fe or Taos Counties. Awards range from $1,000 for a single year up to $20,000 over four years. The application deadline is January 21.
The Fidelity Scholars Program is for historically underrepresented students from New Mexico, and a few other states. It is a last dollar scholarship that covers the remaining need after financial aid has been disbursed to the student. It can be used at any institution in the state (public or private) where the student resides. The application deadline is January 30.
The Sunflower Initiative is a $10,000 one year scholarship (with the possibility of renewal) for female students interested in studying at a women’s college in the US or Canada. The deadline is February 1.
Bilingual College Admission and Financial Aid Glossary: Covers admissions, financial aid, and scholarship terms in both English and Spanish. Developed in-house by ROCA and Davis New Mexico Scholarship staff.
College Essay Guy: Extensive free application support resources for students, teachers, and counselors.
College Wise: Library of webinars on college admissions, as well as ongoing virtual events to attend.
College Greenlight: Tools and resources for students and counselors. Take a look at their College Fit Kit and College Fly In List.
Hechinger Report College Welcome Guide: An interactive guide to help readers assess how receptive colleges are to students from a variety of backgrounds and that maps state laws affecting college students.
Coalition for College Recursos en Español: Spanish language webinars and resources for students and families.